Steps of self motivation

1. Be health conscious.
Your motivation will be high if you get sufficient sleep, take the required vitamins, and get regular exercise. It is easier to perform your tasks if you are feeling vibrant and healthy.

2. Make your plan of action.
Spend some time writing down things that you'd like to do. Set your course of action. Identify which is most important.

3. Practice the 15-minute time rule.
Give yourself a fifteen-minute time limit with a timer. You have the option to stop when the timer sets off. Slowly, you'll realize that you are beginning to develop an interest in the task when time expires.

4. Discover your “peak hours.”
Ask yourself: Am I a morning or afternoon person? Find out the time of day where you are most energetic. Do you have more energy in the morning? Then it is advisable for you to take jobs that require more energy in the morning. Late afternoon hours should be reserved for jobs that require less thinking. If you have more energy in the evening, you can seek profitable work that will match your enthusiasm.

5. Stop being a perfectionist.
Aim for work accomplishment and not perfection. Striving for perfection may lead to procrastination. There is a tendency for you not to do the job because you have the feeling that you will not do a perfect job. Accept the fact that no person is perfect and this will motivate you.

6. Break down the task into smaller components.
You will be motivated if you do your task one step at a time.

7. At all times, see to it that you always pump yourself up. Give yourself enough time to motivate yourself. Cheer yourself up and be confident that you can accomplish your goal. It is always important to think positively about yourself.