Tamil tense - 4 ('We' as subject)

Learn Tamil tense using "we" as subject

In Tamil, there are two pronouns for the English pronoun "we". One is 'Naam' and 'Naangkal'. When using 'Naam', the person being spoken to is included in 'we'. Whereas in 'Naangkal', the person being spoken to is not invluded in "we".

For example:

- When you describe about your family vacation to your neighbours, you say "we went to ooty". So here you would use "naangkal" as the person being spoken to i.e. neighbour is excluded from "we".

-When you talk about your family vacation to your family members, you say "we all should travel to Ooty". So here you would use "naam" as the people being spoken to are included in "we".

So you can prefix either 'naam' or 'naangkal' to the following verbs based on the actual meaning you wanted to convey.

English wordspast tense present tense future tense
tellsonnom solkiromsolvom
sing paadinom paadukirom paaduvom
expect yethirpaarththom yethirpaarkkirom yethirpaarppom
be irunthom irukirrom irupom
walk nadandom nadakkirom nadapom
do seidom seyikkirom seyivom
see paarththom paarkkirom paarppom
stand ninrom nirkirom nirpom
go poittom poirkirom povvom
clean suttham seithom suttham seyikirom suttham seyivom
sleep padunom padukirom paduppom
read paditom padikirom padipom
buy vaanginom vaangikirom vaangivom
eat saapitom saapidukirom saapidivom
play vilaiyaadunom vilaiyaadukirom vilaiyaaduvom
run odunom odukirom oduvom
take yeduththom yedukkirom yedupom

Next Lesson 18: Tamil tense - 5 ('They' as subject)