Learn these simple Tamil words, as these are commonly used in sentences which would be easy for you to learn. I've included formal and informal way of addressing people. We include 'nga' at the end of the word when speaking formally to elders. I would suggest to first practice the words with 'nga' at the end for effective way of learning these words so as to avoid accidentally saying informal words to elders and offending them :)
English words | Informal | Formal |
You | Nee | Neenga |
He/She | Avan/Aval | Avar |
His/Her | Avanoda/Avaloda | Avangaloda |
Your | Unnodathu | Ungalodathu |
Sit | utkaar | utkaaranga |
Study | padi | padinga |
stand | nil | nilanga |
See | Paar | paarunga |
Write | ezhuthu | ezhuthanga |
Drink | Kudi | kudinga |
Come | Vaa | Vaanga |
Go | Po | Ponga |
Eat | Saapidu | Saapidanga |
Catch | Pudi | Pudinga |
Run | Odu | Odunga |
Fold | Madi | Madinga |
Call | Kupudi | Kupudinga |
Read | Padi | Padinga |
Jump | Kuthi | Kuthinga |
Push | Thallu | Thallinga |
take | Yedu | Yedunga |
Bring | Kondu | Kondanga |
Build | Kattu | Kattunga |
Buy | Vaangu | Vaanganga |
Ask | Kael | Kaelanga |
Sing | Paadu | Paadanga |
Be Quiet | Amaidhiyaka Iru | Amaidhiyaka Iranga |
Bath | Kuli | Kulinga |
close | Saathu | Saathunga |
Open | Thira | Thiranga |
Next Lesson 24: Tamil questions using "when"