Learn spoken Tamil through English

Tamil is the native language of around 70 million people. As you know, it's primarily spoken in southern India and Sri Lanka. Tamil has the longest tradition of all modern Indian languages. It is therefore recognized as an ancient language in India. It is also one of the 22 official languages of the Indian subcontinent. 

This blog helps to learn spoken Tamil through English without having to learn tamil letters. So it's easy for the beginners to learn the language who are not aware to read and write tamil letters. You can successfully learn Tamil on your own using structured topics and will help you to learn this new language fast using the different topics in the lessons.  First you will learn the basics of the language. Sample dialogues and everyday conversational tamil will help you speak this language. Prior knowledge is not needed. Even advanced learners can refresh and reinforce their knowledge. You will learn frequently used sentences and can use them immediately. You will be able to communicate in multiple situations.

Below posted are topics based on different categories you can choose. 

1. Greetings

2. Time
3. Family
4. Questions 
5. Numbers
6. Prounouns
7. Vegetables

8. Travel Phrase in Tamil
9. Body Parts
10. Indian spices name
11. Animal names
12. Opposites in Tamil
13. Tamil Prepositions
14. Tamil tense - 1 ('I' as subject)
15. Tamil tense - 2 ('You' as subject)
16. Tamil tense - 3 ('He/she' as subject)
17. Tamil tense - 4 ('We' as subject)
18. Tamil tense - 5 ('They' as subject)
19. Learn Expression words in Tamil
20. Days and months in Tamil
21. Fruits name in Tamil
22. Tamil Questions using "who"
23. Simple words in Tamil through English
24. Tamil questions using "when"
25. Tamil questions using "what"
26. General questions in Tamil
27. Questions using "Why"
28. Tamil sentences using "Don't"
29.Conversation in a vegetable stall
30. Learn Tamil Prepositions
31. Tamil Exclamation remarks/sentences
32. Tamil sentence using adjectives